Preventative Dentistry

Molonglo Dental Surgery

Safeguard your dental health with a proactive oral maintenance care plan.

Let us help you better organise and maintain your dental health. Start an active oral maintenance program at Molonglo Dental Surgery today! To book an appointment, give us a call at 02 6287 1222.

Preventative dentistry is the conservative branch of dentistry concerned with the pre-emptive aspects of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, as opposed to treating dental problems per se. It is all about practicing good oral hygiene habits that protect your teeth and gums against potential risks, diseases, and infections.

At Molonglo Dental Surgery, you can keep your teeth and gums in the pink of health by following a few easy steps. Developed by our team of Oral Healthcare Professionals, the MDS Active Maintenance Program is designed to help busy individuals and parents stay focused on easy-to-follow home care routines and periodic professional checks and cleans.

Prevention is always better than cure. If you wish to keep your dental health in check and protect it against potential risks of oral pain, dental ailments and expensive oral surgery later, delay no more.

Jumpstart an active oral maintenance program at Molonglo Dental Surgery today! To book an appointment, give us a call at 02 6287 1222.

Why should I visit a dentist regularly?

Rightfully, preventive dentistry begins at home with the practice of good daily teeth cleaning routines like tooth brushing and flossing, in addition to maintaining a balanced and nutritional diet that aids the healthy development of teeth and gums.

However, that is not sufficient. An active oral maintenance program must also include visits to the dental clinic for periodic oral checks and cleans. The recommended average number of visits is twice per year, although it varies from patient to patient according to their dental condition and needs.

The benefits of regular dental visits include:

Professional cleaning: Plaque and tartar develop faster than you think. Using specialised dental tools like ultrasonic or rotary instruments, the dentist can remove stubborn plaque and tartar on your teeth and gums that normal brushing and flossing cannot. At the same time, professional cleaning helps to remove foul-smelling food debris and microscopic bacteria trapped in between your teeth as a way to refresh your breath. Moreover, stronger teeth and gums also reduce the likelihood of tooth mobility (loosening of teeth) issues that make your teeth more susceptible to tooth loss.

Early detection of oral cancer: Regular oral exams are critical when it comes to the early detection and prevention of oral cancer. Detected in its early stages, oral cancer is treatable. However, the disease can metastasize to other regions, causing irreversible harm if left too late.

Prevent gum disease: Periodic check-ups can significantly lower the risk of gum disease. Early detection is also the best way to prevent gingivitis (a mild form of gum disease) from developing into a dangerous stage.

Chart your progress: Using a regularly updated progress chart, the dentist can keep tabs on your dental health based on past and current records, check for irregularities or abnormalities and give informed advise accordingly.

Oral hygiene instruction: You can learn basic oral hygiene habits and preventative strategies from our dental professionals.

Diagnostics and assessment: Using sophisticated low-dose x-ray equipment, our dental professionals can investigate obscured parts of your oral cavity for any underlying concerns.

It’s time to take better care of your teeth and gums… with help from our dental pros!

To book an appointment with the friendly dental team at Molonglo Dental Surgery, give us a call at 02 6287 1222.

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