Child Dental Benefits Schedule, Medicare child dental benefit Program

Molonglo Dental Surgery

If your child is eligible for $1,132 worth of CDBS benefits, you can claim it on the spot at Molonglo Dental Surgery. To book an appointment, just give us a call at 02 6287 1222.

Launched on 1 January 2014, the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a dental benefits programme that provides children and teenagers aged between 2 to 17 up to $1,132 for basic dental services. The 2.7 billion Commonwealth-funded programme Australian’s young dental patients a capped benefit entitlement for basic dental services. The means-tested programme targets an estimated 3.4 million children every year.

At Molonglo Dental Surgery, we welcome all CDBS claims from eligible children. All you have to do is present the child’s eligibility letter at our clinic (if available) along with your Medicare card first to check eligibility and then make the claims on the spot. In most cases, you won’t have to make any out-of-pocket expenses for the basic dental services as set out in the CDBS guidelines.

To make life easy for you, we will submit the claim electronically so you won’t have to submit any paperwork on your own. After your dental appointment, we will simply process the relevant deductions for the day, and give you the balance amount that can be saved and used for a future visit, provided that you claim within the stipulated two-year period.

Are your children due for a routine dental check-up soon? If they are entitled to enjoy CDBS benefits, we can help you process the claims electronically at our clinic.

To book an appointment at Molonglo Dental Surgery, just give us a call at 02 6287 1222.

To find out if your child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), please fill out the form below:

    How do I know if my child is eligible?

    If your child meets the CDBS eligibility requirements, you would have received a letter from the Australian Government that confirms his or her eligibility. Each eligible child can claim up to $1,132 over a two-year period, provided he or she is still eligible at the time of claiming the benefit.

    What are the criteria for eligibility?

    To be eligible for this means-tested program, your child must qualify for Medicare, be aged between 2-17, and be part of a family that receives the Family Tax Benefit Part A or one of the following Australian Government payments:

    • Parenting Payment
    • Carer Payment
    • Youth Allowance
    • Veteran’s Children Education Scheme (if the child is 16 or over)
    • Special Benefit
    • Disability Support Pension
    • Double Orphan Pension
    • Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (if the child is 16 or over)

    For more information on CDBS entitlement criteria, please visit:

    What are the treatments included in the CDBS program?

    The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) covers basic dental services such as:

    • Oral exam
    • X-ray
    • Root canal
    • Fissure sealing
    • Professional dental cleaning
    • Extraction

    Note: CDBS does not cover dental services provided by the hospital.

    How do I find out how much is left in the account after a claim?

    You may call the Medicare inquiry hotline at 132 011 to check your balance amount or access your Medicare online account at

    Can I use private insurance to co-pay with CDBS funds?

    No. If you choose to pay with private insurance funds, you cannot apply the CDBS benefits to make payments for the same treatment.

    If your child is eligible for CBDS, you can claim up to $1,132 worth of free basic dental services.

    For more information or to make a booking, call our friendly team at Molonglo Dental Surgery on 02 6287 1222.

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